Full results

SCVAC League - Kent Divisions -
Sutcliffe Park, 5 May 2023
Full results

Club Multi-terrain Champs - within the
Ted Pepper Memorial 10k, Norman Park, 1 May 2023

Jonathan Ratcliffe (second on photo) first club finisher
in 15th place.

MV 75 medallists, L-R Dave Beattie - Bronze, Mike Davies
- Gold and Trevor Edgeley - Silver.

Club representatives at the Ted Pepper 10k, Norman Park,
Bromley, Mon 1st May.

Mick Jefferies, SCVAC Cross Country Secretary
SCVAC Multi Terrain 10k Championship 2023
Blackheath and Bromley hosted this long-standing
event, and once again welcomed our SCVAC athletes. The entry numbers were
down on previous years, and sadly we had no entries from any of our female
Mick Jefferies erected our smart SCVAC feather banner
on the grass banking above the track, and personally checked as each of our
runners reported to him.
The new Community clubhouse is most impressive, with
luxurious lounge with café and soft furnishings, and top-class facilities.
We collected our numbers and met up with all our friends and rivals to hear
their news.
Race Director David Beadle greeted us warmly before
giving last minute instructions to his marshals. Andy Tucker, who was the
race director for many years himself, addressed the runners assembled on the
back straight, to explain the necessary last minute course alterations. He
warned us that the course was extremely wet and muddy, and told us to take
care on a makeshift bridge he had kindly built across a stream.
After an extra lap of the tartan track, we followed
the usual route through Norman Park before entering the woods via a kissing
gate. I was amused to hear one runner loudly complain at this interruption,
because he was timing his 10k time. I don’t think he understood the spirit
of multi-terrain races, because I later heard that he stopped his Garmin and
stopped running at precisely 10k!
In my M75 age category, Mike Davies was already out of
sight ahead, and Trevor Edgley was putting quite some distance between us –
it was clear I would finish several minutes behind them. I concentrated on
negotiating the soggy meadows and muddy stretches as well as I could, and
had a few minor changes of position battling with those around me. On the
firmer stretches I would overtake one or two, only to be hauled in on the
“soggy long grass” sections by younger runners with longer strides and
better knee lift than mine.
We edged over Andy’s DIY bridge (built with small
pallets, and quite serviceable), slipped around a few tree roots and emerged
onto the farm track. A good tactic on the farm track (usually dry and dusty,
but now featuring many streams of running water) was to run along the firm
bed of the streams rather than waste time skating around on the slippery mud
at each side. It worked for me anyway.
Despite, or maybe because of, the challenging
underfoot conditions, most runners seemed to be enjoying the experience, and
for those with any energy left, the last kilometre or so on tarmac gave them
a chance to stride out. After the short climb up the grass bank we finished
on the grass above the 200m start. My Garmin recorded 6.64 miles, and others
showed similar distances, so we got real value, with more racing for our
money this year!
We each collected a finisher’s medal and a free pair
of socks, and gathered around the SCVAC banner for our own medal
presentation. Mick took several photos for the website, and we all swapped
our accounts of the race. Special mention to Mike Davies, who recorded the
best age graded score.
My Crawley AC club mates Terry Barnes and Jeremy
Carmichael and I really appreciated the hot showers and the (deserted)
changing room. Only a few minutes drive down the road, the George was a
handy watering hole on our return journey.
Mick Jefferies did a great job on the day, getting the
SCVAC results promptly from Karen of Kronos, the race timing team. Our
thanks to Mick, to Dave Beadle, to Andy Tucker, and all the marshals for
giving us a grand day out. Roll on next year!
Dave Beattie
First name |
Last name |
D.O.B. |
Running Club |
Age Cat. |
Chip Time |
AG % |
Alan |
Savage |
06/12/1976 |
Istead & Ifield Harriers |
M45 |
00:44:40 |
65.07% |
Jasper |
Ellis |
14/01/1972 |
Aldershot Farnham & District |
M50 |
00:46:49 |
64.72% |
Jonathan |
Ratcliffe |
15/05/1967 |
Herne Hill Harriers |
M55 |
00:44:05 |
71.15% |
Christian |
Poulton |
11/02/1966 |
Cambridge Harriers |
M55 |
00:44:46 |
71.30% |
Terence |
Barnes |
04/08/1963 |
Crawley AC |
M55 |
01:03:40 |
51.05% |
Bob |
Fursey |
03/01/1963 |
Medway and Maidstone AC |
M60 |
00:47:32 |
69.00% |
Graham |
Maynard |
30/12/1962 |
Cambridge Harriers |
M60 |
00:48:39 |
67.42% |
Adrian |
Moody |
16/11/1962 |
Ashford & District RRC |
M60 |
00:51:21 |
63.88% |
Alan |
Newman |
16/08/1953 |
Tonbridge AC |
M65 |
00:51:24 |
69.68% |
Jeremy |
Carmichael |
31/10/1953 |
Crawley AC |
M65 |
01:00:57 |
58.68% |
Michael |
Davies |
14/02/1948 |
Ashford & District RRC |
M75 |
00:49:27 |
78.40% |
Trevor |
Edgley |
28/12/1947 |
Istead & Ifield Harriers |
M75 |
00:54:40 |
70.91% |
David |
Beattie |
13/07/1947 |
Crawley AC |
M75 |
00:58:48 |
65.93% |

British Masters Cross Country
Challenge, Lloyd Park Croydon, Sat 4 March 2023
The following SCVAC athletes took part in this event
with the following results:-
Maria Kowall 1st lady and 13th overall in 33.18
Susan Payne 1st VW 60+ and 39th overall in 40.08.
Mark Pitcairn-Knowles 14th in 33.25
Simon Bean 16th in 34.06
Colin Oxlade 23rd in 35.28
Alan Newman 31st in 37.27
Mike Davies 37th in 39.39
Scott Shurmer 49th 44.51
Mick Jefferies, SCVAC Cross Country Secretary

SCVAC Indoor Track
and Field Championships Saturday 12 February 2023 - Lee Valley
Full results